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PFL #22 Home Alone
Welcome back CompLegenders! We are going to mix it up this week! This workout here will be a perfect at home workout and will still challenge you similar to a mini “Murph”.
4 rounds for time: Quarter of a mile run, 10 push ups, 15 sit-ups, 25 air squats, performed with a vest if you have one 20/14.
So we have 1 mile total on the run, 40 total push ups, 60 total sit-ups, and 100 air squats when all said and done. On top of that if you have a vest lets throw on that 20 and 14 extra pounds to add to the test!
Strategy: This is built for speed ultimately, each rounds volume indicates very doable unbroken sets. Starting with the run of a quarter mile, even if your not a great runner 400 meters is not a deal breaker and should be faster than your mile pace. Example 8 min mile, try to maintain closer to 7 min pace or 7:30 min pace. Dropping straight to the ground and getting after low volume of 10 push ups should be unbroken but if needed stop for a second or two after 5 reps to catch your breath from the run and then finish. 15 sit-ups might be a little awkward with a vest but again a movement that allows you to focus on your breathing. The next 25 reps of air squats will be probably the most difficult in transitioning back to the run, so keep these with a metronome like pace so you are able to control your breathing and get right back to the run the following rounds.
Don’t need a gym and don’t need much in equipment, just need the drive to be better. As always let us know what you think about the workout and how you did!
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